Category: Peace
Just don’t forget to take those inexpensive, weekend, overnight, mini-vacations. Build those memories. Sometimes we’re so busy living our daily lives we forget to set aside a little bit of time for them. ~ Germaine Zurita You can make everyday a small vacation by taking some time out, even half hour to walk through a lovely park, …
A good laugh will help you to sleep well. This will definitely make anyone look younger.
Even if someone is mean to you, do good to them. Kill them with kindness. Nothing makes a mean or angry person think about their actions more when you are kind. ~ Sandra Hanks You have to be consistent with your positive circle. Continue to be kind as a lifestyle to draw good into your life. Just …
Karma what goes around will come back to you one day. If you do somebody wrong or if you help somebody it will come back better or worst it is all up to you the life you choose to live. ~ Carmen Chappell Be good no matter what life brings you. It’s better to try than letting …
Let the negative folks enjoy their Negative world. No need to join them. Life’s too short to go there. ~ Tammy Cintolo Negative is like a black hole that wants to suck you right in. However, the more we focus on the positive, the love and the joy we really are, the more we can find the …
We always hope for the best in life, but that’s not always the case. Sometimes, God gives more than what we planned and dreamed in our life, but often times it is not also permanent. God let us taste and try all the best and the worst in life. Since life is not a bed of …