Category: Past

Stop deciding exactly what we want in life

Stop deciding exactly what we want in life… Live in the here and now and forget all the bad times and just keep living. Acceptance and letting go of negative stuff helped me get to where I’ve not stuck anymore. ~ Kathy Ross If you wait for changes they will never come. You have to make …

People drift in & out of your life

The name of the game is to denounce the characters and their own values. When they reveal their true colors which tell you a lot about themselves, it makes a story you may not even have expected. If it’s a good one, you continue. If not, you know that you just have to close that chapter …

There’s no reason to look back at your past

If you want to move forward you can’t have a rear view mirror in your life.    There’s no point in wishing the past was different, when you got so much going for you now. Keep moving forward, especially if the past isn’t good. Don’t torture yourself looking back. ~ Yan Min   Let go of the past …

Don’t forget those who love you everyday

We let go and not let that person ever linger in our hearts or minds. It’s like cleaning our doorstep. There’s that feeling of relief we get after cleansing ourselves of all dirt and poison. ~ Wim Salampessy    It can take a while to get over pain but it’s important to not let it destroy you. …