Category: Past

Let go of the past Hurt

Let go of bad past as lesson learnt, cherish fond memories of the past. Forgiveness is the key. Truly forgive, whether it is yourself or someone else and you will be able to let go of the past and it is such a peaceful feeling. ~ Georgia Turner  The first time letting go is the hardest, but …

7 Rules of Life

1. Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good.2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.3. Life is too short – enjoy it..4. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and family will. 5. Pay off your credit cards every month.6. You don’t have to win every argument. Stay true …

Forget yesterday, it has already forgotten you

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, so that only leaves today and the present moment. Today is the gift that we have been given. Live it fully, live it joyfully and live it for everyone you love. Yesterday is history, and from history we learn, tomorrow is a mystery, and for mysterious things we prepare, …

Don’t worry! We all make mistakes

We all live and learn from our mistakes, but if you keep doing them over and over you never move forward in life or in relationships. ~ Angie Denney  We have to try to fix up our mistakes. Little steps at a time. One day at a time. ~ Gloria Cantu  If we forget our mistakes and how we got there …