Category: Pain
Remember it’s a choice if you don’t like where you are change it. We have to be responsible for our selves and our choices. ~ Trish Siscon Change is good and growing is also good. If you don’t like where and what you are then change and growth is good. Learn to see the positive in life. …
Bitterness imprisons life; love releases it. Bitterness paralyzes life; love empowers it. Bitterness sours life; love sweetens it. Bitterness sickens life; love heals it. Bitterness blinds life; love anoints its eyes. Learn to take things with a smile and you won’t carry any burdens. ~ Harry Fosdick The pursuit of happiness. Pick people who are capable …
Strongest are the ones who can laugh and smile in spite of life’s trials and tribulations. Pain & Fear are normal feelings for humans. However exercising control over them separates the strong from the weak. ~ Olusoji Siwoku Being strong to me is understanding why you need to be strong. Which is understanding that reason. Strong like …
Just don’t hold your loved ones hostage trying to figure you out. Riddles can turn hurtful and tiresome, so trust the loved ones, be real and say what you mean. ~ Sally Laporte How can someone hurt you feelings when your feelings come from you. Took me a while to figure that one out. It made me …
The Hug, is the add strength of, energy. Everybody needs a hug now and then. It is as if all your burden goes away. A big hug from my husband always makes everything better. ~ April Van Houten Hugs are so healing to your soul and life. Your heart smiles and your all is right with the …
Tears are said to be Pearls in Heaven. Crying is rain for the soul, it serves its purpose. Crying is healing. Crying shows that you are wonderful and feeling, both in happy and in sad times it’s a depth of emotion, telling the world something about you. Crying releases stress and negativity and refreshes our soul.