Category: Pain

The person who broke you

One day, someone will walk into your life and make you see why it never worked out with anyone else. People will come and go but real one would always stay no matter what. We often get hurt by the people we love the most and so often we allow these people to fix us. Nobody …

People could just say how they feel like

Fear & pride get in the way of honesty and truth. Sometimes we don’t say these things just because we know our words are not welcomed. If I only knew that I would make the other person happy I would say it the very second, but I am afraid that it will be take the other …

There are two types of pains

Some people get hurt but don’t change and stay in that same cycle. Others actually change either for a better life or for worse. ~ Sharon Iribe  The pain I have hurts and changes me at the same time. It will get better with time and weather. ~ Laura Myers  At this moment the pain I feel hurts …

Someone who is good with just the word Sorry

If you have done everything you know to do and more, just walk away. Be brave and know your worth. No one deserves to be put in that situation ever. ~ Emily Garig  Sorry is just a word, actions speak louder than any words. Show me don’t tell me, but why would you hurt the one you …