To have love, you have to have trust. To believe you have to have faith. To live you have to be able to breathe. So if you don’t trust, or have faith and you have to smother the other person to soothe your insecurities, the relationship will wither and die as if you smothered it. ~ Barbara …
Teach your children to have compassion for all and respect as well. Their world will be a better place to live and get along in. ~ LaVonne Ostrom When a person is compassionate most likely HE/SHE is communicating through heart. ~ Angie Ruaya Children only know what they are taught. Love them and teach them well. ~ Ellen Burns …
Rudeness is like cancer of the soul. ~ Linda Abney Don’t sink to their level to try to prove a point. ~ Rose Brickey Sometimes people need to learn to control their mouth. ~ Umi Kadarsih Even I can ‘kill’ my enemy with a smile and by being polite or remain silent. ~ Sadhana Ray Why stop to the low …
Our life is not tie to people who walked away from us, to know that is a truth that make us free. ~ Yesi Morales Sometimes you have to walk away to be good to yourself. What’s left behind deserves to be left behind in many cases. ~ Thelma Corpas Sometimes it is just nice to drop all …
Real beauty is latent in the satisfaction satisfied souls always be beautiful. When you look good, you feel good and when you feel good, you look awesome. ~ Norma Powell Many material people looks for outer beauty only. ~ Afroz Mohammed It’s all about feeling comfortable & good bout yourself. ~ Patricia Lim Feeling good is a propel for you …
Surviving is just existing. Living is more than surviving. It’s living freely and joyfully. Some people have learned to earn well, but they haven’t learned to live well. ~ Jim Rohn You chose to be a survivor and then you learn to make a new life. Challenge to move so far past that there will come …