Never lie no matter how difficult the topic is, trust and communication is everything. Having time is very important but not “all the time” instead of five rule’s there is only one and that is “TRUST”. I’ve got all Five, 100% under control. 1. Forever 2. Unconditionally 3. Everyday 4. Never 5. Always Thank you, God, …
You must learn to accept what life brings you. Karma says it all. You can have a good experiences in life as well as bad, but never regret the good one and learn from the bad. It will help you make right or wrong decision. I will regret bad choices I have made that have caused hurt …
Life unfolds in time, here’s to new beginnings. We have to remind ourselves to live in the present. Life has many ways of testing a person’s will, either by having nothing happen at all or by having everything happen all at once. ~ Paulo Coelho The past is a lesson to learn from, as optimism leads …
A good friend understands you completely and will be there no matter what. Those kind of people are not only called friends, they are also called keepers. Share This :FacebookTwitterPin ItLinkedInWhatsAppBuffer
Sometimes you just have to believe that everything happens for a reason even though right now you don’t know what that reason is. Plans can change! we have the ability to change our mind and feelings if we truly want too. ~ Greg Martinez Life would be much simpler if everyone can accept whatever outcome in everything they do. ~ KweeLing …
All you have to do is meet someone and watch them for a little while and you will have all the information you need, action do speak so much louder than words. ~ Kim Shoffner If you want to know someone, look at what he does, not what he says or shows. Some people lie when they …