Don’t waste your time or even ruin your day with things that it cannot help or make you happy or even complete. ~ Ramz Nepacina I better watch out for people that don’t like me or they can bring me down. People who love me can protect me. It is though, my job to monitor my …
Give change a chance. It is up to us to create our own happiness because no one else will, unless we give them that power. Letting go of the past is also just as important as letting go of relationships that make people miserable. The miserable past is gone and can not be undone. Let go …
It’s even worse when they hear, they understand but they don’t care. Only you can solve your problems. So better to hide it inside and fine some ways how things would be fine. ~ Bethzy Marisson “Sometimes” I personally feel you should never bottle your feelings inside. I mean never. However, take into full considering what …
Learn it early and protect your heart from unnecessary grief. We can’t choose how people “behave” but we can choose how we respond. I learned how to “be the change” I so wished those I loved but made make bad choices “would make.” God is always bigger than the problem. He can make all things work …
Everyday is a new page, our story is only as good as we make it out to be. Just like a good book, you can’t wait to see what’s on the next page. ~ Cheryl Ozechowski We always have the chance to change the script, and it is magical when we never stop believing in change, …
Holding a grudge and anger is wasteful energy. Just give in and live happier. Letting go is a very tough thing to do. If you really want to do this, you have to seriously decide to do so, take the emotion out of it, and decide what it is that you want. You will find the …