Tears are how our heart speaks when our lips cannot

Tears express many emotions other than ‘being hurt’ i.e. Joy, Spiritual Enlightenment, Love, Compassion etc. ~ Gary Thorson Sometimes it is okay to cry your heart out if you can’t take it any more. It is okay to let go then only one can move on. ~ Priscilla Chan The soul would have no rainbow if the eyes …

Know the value of things, not the price

People need to educate them to appreciate the little things & life. Just do the best you can to teach them right. That material things is not everything & teach them to respect everyone around them & try to stay away from negativity. Teach them to be there for family, friends & others. The little things …

Why some people simply change?

If you don’t like your life then change it. Its self awareness that make the choice of getting out being sick and tired that change happens. ~ Dora Castro  You are today where you thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you. ~ James Allen Change is meant to be when you are …