No matter how long it took us, it took a long time that I don’t have to waste trying to convince someone else that they should like me when they probably don’t like themselves either. I believe if you don’t love yourself, it’s difficult for you to love someone else; that’s if you’re not obsessed with …
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. Silence can be a sign of respect for yourself or respect for your elders. If someone is rude to you, silence is best. Another, if someone’s in a bad mood & wants to start an argument, don’t argue with …
Time to release all negativity and let the positive and love in. Be at peace with yourself and others, forgive yourself and others, release all negativity thoughts, pains and harm you did to others, feel the love, find the peace and be positive everyday! god bless you’s everyday! Do as you would done by its the …
Stay Positive! Whatever your hoping for will find you. Tomorrow is the beginning of the rest of your life. What you believe and tell yourself is how tomorrow will be. Tomorrow will be great. Expect that tomorrow will be awesome as you continue to do this. Switch your negative thought into a positive, you’ll notice a …
First thing we should do in the morning is to say thank you. Don’t make yourself upset because of small misunderstandings. This really can ruin your day. Good feelings make good behaviour and kind words make good feelings. Start your day with happy thoughts. Don’t weigh yourself, if you think you’re up, it messes up your …
It’s missing someone who passed away and you miss them so much that you think of them at least once a day. Every moment you can’t forget someone that gave you so much to remember. If someone means so much to you, you could easily think of them every day. It’s because that someone is still …