It’s better to be alone than in bad company. Being with the wrong person can make you feel million miles away in the same home. ~ Susan Cooke Wrong people suffocates me and being alone is rather heavenly than be with them. ~ Myrna Anderson Being with the wrong person can make you more miserable then being alone …
You don’t know the book like that until you really read the book. Your thoughts may be biased. A tree is known by it’s fruit. Know the person by his words & deeds. Sometimes feelings of fondness cloud our vision & judgement. ~ Gina Ericson If you don’t get to know them all you have is thinking, …
Real people in real couples sometimes do stray, but real relationships can grow stronger if both parties commit to sharing themselves and fully knowing one another. ~ Melodie Tucker That is a true love to each Other. Just between couple and God above. ~ Jane Agustin Real couples minds wonder just like everyone else. They just choose not …
A friend is a person who walks in when the world walks out. Sometimes in life, you find a special friend; Someone who changes your life just by being part of it. Someone who makes you laugh until you can’t stop; Someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world. Someone who …
If your living in the past, your depressed, if your full of anxiety, your trying to live in the future. ~ Steven Nichols It hurts but we move on from there. Shows maturity and growth. We are survivors and can share our knowledge with others. And isn’t that what it’s all about. Helping others. ~ Tammy …
Intelligent mind and definitely, a lady with class, is the best way to be. It’s natural to have a mind, but question is if it’s the right mind; it’s easy to have an attitude, question is if it’s the wisest that reveals great character; but it’s not easy to have ‘class’, it takes the right breeding,right …