Never ever lose Hope

Never lose hope and never give up praying. Let tomorrow worries for itself. Tomorrow will surely come. Tomorrow never dies. Hope is the foundation of I’m possible Try and try until we succeed. Never stop trying. Hope is the only hope for the hopeless. Life is good enjoy what we have and never lose hope and take …

People are meant to cross our path for a reason

Some for a day, some for a season & some for a lifetime. It’s up to the individual person to ‘access’ who fits in which category. Hard to accept at times when fate steps in & you find yourself without a certain someone that you’ve had in your life, & now the’re gone. ~ Debbie Lockhart Sometimes in …

It only takes a second to say I love you

Where there is love, there is always hope. Relationships take love, work and understanding, but they are worth it. It is so much easier going through the storm with the one you love then alone. ~ Deb Meisinger The storm is the strength of the relationship. If it holds true, it was meant to be. Maybe a …

The only people you need in your Life

Offering oneself is offering everything. Your attention, your affection, your concern, care, your time & your love.  Anything as simple as just going to sit with someone to talk, help with some chores. Simple things truly do change life. ~ Jaime Harrington  The one that says that loves you and still does it when one has nothing …