When you have been through hard times

The people that you thought were going to be there and call themselves your friend aren’t. If they are not there, stand tall and be proud of what you came through without their help or support. Sometimes life lessons really suck, but they show you the strength you never would have believed you had in you …

Smile even you are in pain

When you learn from your mistakes, it always helps you through your life. Never become bitter, never let jealously over take you.  We become strong, when we overcome defeats and we gain wisdom from life experiences because they are the best teacher on not to repeat the same mistakes we did in the past. We are …

The most painful tears

Only those who have experience it will truly understand this. Those are the tears that tell you, “I’m alive and I’m growing”. For through adversity we grow and become the person we are destined to be. ~ Joanna Britt  A broken heart, broken dreams, all the plans, all that we wanted to do, be, our plans, goals …

Love like you’ll never be Hurt

We forget when we become adults how to have fun and how we saw life as kids. ~ Grace Fuller  We need to remind ourselves everyday that happiness is possible if we live by these simple words . ~ Vesi Leal  We always worry about what someone else will say. Nobody paying my dues on this rock but …