“Too many chefs in the pot”. A good one is when the two enjoy what they are cooking for each other only in their pots. No additional recipes needed. ~ Unknown Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope. ~ Maya Angelou Too many people think …
Let go of the idea of what you want and be open enough to embrace so much more than you ever expected. Settling for what is easy is more often than not disappointing and not as sweet. ~ Alyce Brown My father once told me of a trick question he used in a college class on forest fire …
Kissing someone special is the best thing in the world. That explains why people we love to kiss are the one. Can’t do without. Can’t forget. ~ Beverly Cook Kissing is magical, unless we are talking film and tv sucking face, tongue in the lung, need a snorkel to breathe, violent teeth clashing, this is not kissing, …
Start your day positive. Get yourself in a good mind set before you get out of bed. ~ April Cobb Thought’s become things, change the way you look at things, and the things you look at will change. Never end the day with a grudge. Forgive so as to forget. ~ Zeny Benitez Start the day with an …
I’m not self-centered, just self-conscious. ~ Unknown There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being a reserved quiet person who is not attention seeking. Personally, I certainly wait until I feel I am with a trusted like-minded person before I reveal what I’m all about. That is not being fake, that is being smart. Close friendships take time …
Sometimes being yourself scares others, that’s their loss. Inside is a beat up person wearing a heavy shell around. ~ Margaret Hinkle Change isn’t necessarily wrong if you’re changing for the better. Don’t change so that other people will like you, change so that you will love yourself. Why be lazy or afraid of change? Strive to …