Crying is an emotional release from an inflicted pain. Tears help to drain away some of the accumulated pain within. Often it is a silent cry for help and support. The brave amongst us hide their pain and conceal their tears behind an affected ‘put on’ smile to hide their suffering from the world. Their grief …
You do, carry on. Hold your heart and don’t stop walking. ~ Samantha Cramer I find being compassionately loving towards myself now that the storms are over is a definite must. I do this by forgiving and loving myself and others and by coming to a full understanding that my struggles made me who I am today …
Good hearts don’t see anything but good. Good hearts look for the good in others no matter what. It maybe hard to maintain a good heart, but it makes life understandable and worthwhile. More often than not, the voice from that good heart is ignored. ~ Terrie Gamino The heart is not blind or we chose to …
People often do that to people just because they are worthless. ~ Goodbar Bailey It is hard to convince some people who have been mentally and verbally abused. They have to learn to love themselves. By this I mean open their heart to love themselves. ~ Pat Henriott If you try to explain yourself you are wasting your …
Chin up and face the world. With head down you can’t face your destiny. So keep it up! Even if you’re head is hanging low, don’t give up. We all feel like that at one time or another. When you get into a tight place, everything goes against you. There comes a time when you just …
Freedom is being and doing you without the approval of others. Be who you were really made to be. We tend to believe what we tell ourselves. Movement through dancing is true freedom. Giving yourself permission to dance is giving yourself freedom. Don’t let other people tell you what you should be but be who you …