It is the simple things in life that bring the greatest joy and remain in your memories. To lay on the grass here is cold when the moon and the stars come out, and you can lay on the grass there in darkness to watch them, but through the windows I’ll watch them with you. That’s …
Not good to keep those things in your life that drag you down. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people and things. If you know what’s right from wrong you could sense it right away if you need to stay or leave. I always trust my gut feeling, it’s God’s way to protect me from harm. …
If people don’t want to lift themselves, just leave them alone. I definitely have people in my life that I love and they may never lift me higher. That’s why they have me in their life. Nothing wrong with being the lifter, as long as it’s not dragging you down too. ~ Laurel West Surrounding yourself with …
Some people try to knock your self esteem by bringing you down. Always ignore them & be strong. Don’t let them effect you. ~ Ian Munro They do that, to make themselves feel better. The problem is within them. ~ Burna Lara People are like bricks or balloons. Never seen a balloon bring a brick up. Bricks always gonna …
Control your temper & more importantly control your mouth. A tongue may not have a bone but its very hurtful. Words are like arrows; once you let them loose, they do not return. You have no second chances with undoing your words. Words are double-edged swords; ‘handle with care’ If we are in the bad mood, better …
Pain is a great spiritual teacher. ~ Eckhardt Tolle Pain makes us stronger if you utilize it properly. Some people it makes better, but some people it makes bitter. Physical & emotional. Emotional pain takes a toll on the body & physical pain on the emotions. Vicious circle. Pain changes you when you don’t understand the role …