What drains one is negative, what uplifts one is positive. When negativity is negated, it ceases to exist. ~ Anna Gomez Accentuate the Positive, Eliminate the Negative. ~ Dave Miller Bad things happen to you when you take care of the feelings of others and forget your self. ~ Close Aniba Stay away from those negative people. No time …
Every day brings new gratitude. No matter what I’m through and that includes the peaks and valleys; the ups and downs,the smooth and rough rides of the roller coaster of life I am very thankful that I have an interesting ride of my journey to whatever destination I end up. ~ Norma Powell You can know for …
Sometimes you have no choice but to be alone. ~ Shirley Bowles You came alone in this world & has to go alone so better get used to being alone. ~ Yas Chavda If we don’t stand alone once in awhile, we don’t get to feel proud of ourselves, feel that great sense of ” I did it myself”. …
Forgiveness sets you free. Forgive and forget then you can be happy. You move on and feel the need to pray for those that hurt you. Forgiveness is the key but because God gave us a memory we can’t forget and that is ok. Just forgive! ~ Michele Blais Holding resentment can only hurt you. Forgetting is …
Love keeps us going for our loved ones. We all live for the beautiful things that makes our life worth it. Life is so beautiful, just live one day at a time and appreciate even little things in your life. When you are in love and are loved by close friends and family, life is a …
A good friend is the best listener. There is always someone who is ready to listen us, to understand us & waiting for us. If you find someone that can do that. Keep them in your life. I’m surrounded with good family, relatives and friends who feel what I’m feeling, doing and sharing everything they can …