Being an honest person doesn’t always payoff. However, being honest helps me sleep better at night. ~ Ray Gallegos My friends list is not plentiful but telling the truth you always come out on top with your conscious. I have been burned too many times by trusting and expecting honesty from others because I am honest myself. …
Pray for the negative people in your life to become positive. Prayer works if you have faith and believe! ~ Mitch Negrini People who MORE OFTEN THAN NOT get temporary satisfaction from complaining are (generally) negative. I have known a handful of truly negative people. One was a neighbor and co-worker. No exaggeration, EVERY morning she came …
One day the right person will walk to my life and stay till the end. Be with someone who always wants to know how your day was. The day that I met my wonderful hubby I knew that he would be my best friend and life partner. ~ Rebecca Showalter Finding one true love takes a lot …
Don’t believe in words believe in action! There are always warning signs. Many people just ignore the signs or their gut instincts. Every man I’ve dated who told me he loved me but was lying, I knew the truth and let him go because in the end, being with him was a waste of my time. …
Like entails being fond of someone and enjoying their company or conversing with them. Love entails having strong feelings for someone with all the symptoms of like but an added factor where it is impossible to imagine your life without it. Love can be subjected to family, friends, boyfriend/girlfriend, passion, hobby, profession etc. When you say ‘I like …
The kind of hugs where you can physically feel the happiness filling your body. I love the hugs my children give me, so real, so genuine, the warmth. You can feel the love generate, can never get enough of these hugs. That is why I hug my children so much and hate to let go. ~ Eddie …