Be around with positive people that pull you up. Positive people who don’t try to use your weaknesses for their enjoyment. Sometimes the people who create all the pointless drama and cause you heartache are people who you cannot let go of. Unfortunately they are in your life to stay. ~ Samar Wasity Weep with those who …
No matter how hard you try to communicate with someone, if their ears and hearts are closed for you, they will not understand anything. ~ Alcuizar Barredo The ones who won’t listen are the ones who never cared, instead of talking I’ll just write a message or look them straight in their eyes. ~ Jessyline Maquito The people …
When you know you have given your all and nothing is changing you have to face the hard facts and decide what is best for you. ~ Judy MacDonald Walk away is best option, the more you try with no succeed, the worse you end up. Sometimes, to quit doesn’t mean you are weak. It means that …
Sad how we find out in tragedy who your real friends are. Those we think are our friends are the ones that disappoint, those we think are not our friends surprise us. I won’t forget the true friends. ~ Rosanna Coglianese Never forget those who excluded you and were too busy to be bothered. So few people …
We are always growing, changing and evolving to become a better person. With the support from good friends and family we become stronger. ~ Elizabeth Vargas I may learn the hard way, but I do learn. My past does not define me. Everyday is a new day. ~ Victoria Abrego Thank God, without him, I would have not …
It is ok if everything is not perfect, as long we are healthy. Everything happens for a reason, but take control of your own life. Don’t let others control it for you. It can be so hard but in the quiet times in the middle of the storm it helps to remember that in time you …