It’s easy to take each other for granted. Unfortunately the threat of loss keeps us vigilant or the feeling of warmth from appreciation. Choose wisely. ~ Sonia Christi It’s good to have a friend to share with cry, to laugh and to lean. When your down friend will lift you up, helping to carry the load. Very …
Nothing stays the same forever, including bad times & it will work out . God didn’t bring you this far for it not to. Today I focus on everything that already is beautiful and worth loving in my life. ~ Mervi Huhtelin Faith is something you should never lose I should know I’m a cancer free and …
Forgive and try to forget. An apology you never got, then it is time to walk away and stop being used as a doormat. ~ Janine Griffin Apologies make you feel better. We don’t always get them from the people that hurt us the most. ~ Nicole Davis Life goes on. Enjoy it. Embrace it. Live it. We …
Remember, you are the most important to yourself than to others. A person should always be who they are and not what others want them to be. Our individuality is something we should always respect and cherish. ~ Alice Wells You are the only one who will make a choice for yourself and live with those choices, …
Helping someone feel good about themselves. If you can do one thing for somebody else every single day of your life, then you will have served your purpose for being here. Those are the things to recount when head hits the pillow. That’s how sweet dreams are made, falling asleep with a smile on your face. …
When love is the point everything seems lovable. Some people can’t handle it when someone is having a hard time, but when the person having problems gets straightened out the people that couldn’t support them lose out. I pray they never have problems or great losses. ~ Shirley Williams Have to say my kids and my sisters …