Karma does not take sides it comes full circle and eventually goes right back where it started and takes care of what it has to. Karma is the effect of causes you set in motion in the past, whether 10 minutes ago or 10 lifetimes ago. You reap what you sow, and for every action, there …
Look deep inside yourself you just might find what you are looking for. That’s what I feel when I walk in Nature. It is my cathedral and my healing place. Do it right now, starting to do something good to our head. Plan to go some place to relax during this weekend, cheers. ~ Supakorn Santironnarong Share …
Maturity is also not exaggerating small things as big problems. ~ Rohini Neola Some say they are matured but the way they think they are immature. God is into the small things. Little foxes spoil the vines. Share This :FacebookTwitterPin ItLinkedInWhatsAppBuffer
When our will is centred and aligned with our heart and mind it can perform miracles. Great motivation and food for thought when rejection comes into play. Rejection is a pretty hard pill to swallow at the best of time. Just hope and pray something really better does come along and soon. ~ Margaret Young Some people …
Don’t let anyone effect you in a negative way. Let it go! Never depend on someone make you happy. It’s you only you can be there, it’s your strength and courage to go on. Move on then just being honest. ~ Mary Woods You love your husband and your family, children. All which can influence you this …
Prove your going change and change for the better. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Suit action to words. Talking never got anybody anywhere in a hurry. Action always speaks louder than words. There’s always room for improvement and to better oneself. It’s taking the first step to self improvement and change for …