Some walks you have to take alone

Sometimes we have to realize that some people are not meant to stay in our lives, but rather just pass through. If you have a huge drive and desire to become something in life and others fail to understand what it takes, then they will unconsciously drain you and corrupt your path. ~ Junior Madison Most walks …

Worst battle! Between what you know & what you feel

Knowledge versus feelings.You have to come up with weighing which will bring more favor to your being. ~ Lhanz Ubaldo  Feelings come and go. One should strive to have an outside source of “truth”. That will give an individual an edge because our feelings fail but truth remains constant. ~ Clifford Williams God is a good provider. He …

Sometimes quiet people have a lot to say

Sometimes, silence is more precious than gold. Some people feeds on the weakness of other people. Be careful on what you say and choose to whom you say it. Not because she/he is your best friend, sometimes best friends can be your best enemies. ~ Red Sparrow Not all people will understand the sense of what you …

A healthy relationship will never require you to sacrifice

A healthy relationship adds to your life, not takes away. A healthy relationship desires that two people share these things. A healthy relationship facilitates and fosters togetherness, not independence. Two halves don’t make a whole. Two whole people make a relationship. ~ Kim Alcala  When you spend some time apart on truly separate interests (say he goes to football …

Let go of the past Hurt

Let go of bad past as lesson learnt, cherish fond memories of the past. Forgiveness is the key. Truly forgive, whether it is yourself or someone else and you will be able to let go of the past and it is such a peaceful feeling. ~ Georgia Turner  The first time letting go is the hardest, but …