Who are said to be the Strongest people?

Strongest are the ones who can laugh and smile in spite of life’s trials and tribulations. Pain & Fear are normal feelings for humans. However exercising control over them separates the strong from the weak. ~ Olusoji Siwoku  Being strong to me is understanding why you need to be strong. Which is understanding that reason. Strong like …

Never apologize for being sensitive or emotional

Most relationships would be more successful if we told each other how we were feeling and what we were thinking instead of expecting the other person to guess or know. People somehow tend to get irritated if a man cries. Always reminding that you have harder things to face so learn to be strong. Now tell …

The last person you think of at night

A relationship with God and the person who is special to you plus you makes a threesome. If you twine you three together, your relationship with the special someone is stronger than ever. Ask God to come into your relationship. ~ Leticia Carbonell  The last person I think of at night is God and the first person …