Holding onto anger is like drinking Poison and expecting the other person to die. Once you spew anger at someone, it’s too late to ever take it back. Don’t be shy to cry , but cry when you are alone to keep your dignity high. ~ Mohammed Kamal True anger is poison, it is a switch that …
You are wealthy. Quite possible! You are not aware of what money can buy, like food for the homeless and toys for the kids who have nothing. ~ Anny Pier Wealth isn’t material things because you can’t take it with you, when you pass on, but how you treat others while you are here determines your “wealth”. …
I felt like my heart was being taken away. This person tried to brainwash me into thinking that I was the worst person on earth. My heart; I know it’s good. Being away from the individual was the best thing that could have happened, despite the fact that the breakup occurred under traumatic circumstances. I am …
Don’t forget to thank them for the lessons. Forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace. We must count our blessings when people leave us in difficult times. God is there for the rescue. We are in spaces that are filled with strife but in truth it is the perfect time to call …
It’s easier to find the needle in the eye of others then the beam in one’s own eye. ~ Walter van den Heuvel Judging someone doesn’t make you any better. Some people are not happy with themselves so they find it easier to be critical to someone else. The sad part is that they genuinely think they …
Sometimes you would want to be all by yourself to take a break. Just what I need, my feet in the sand. Share This :FacebookTwitterPin ItLinkedInWhatsAppBuffer