Some people can only stay in your heart

We meet everyone for a reason. Some are not meant to stay but to help us or teach us or show us what we don’t need it. It’s up to us to realize their purpose, but sometimes it is hard to let go, but we do, every ending has a new beginning. ~ Kathie O’Brien  If you …

It’s hard to move on in life

Don’t look back. You are not going there. Keep moving on and you will be where you want to be. Create a life that you love. Do this for yourself! It’s not easy but it’s always possible if you start with baby steps. Look back and see what made you happy and start doing things that …

To a Child, How Love is spelled?

Give your child the time and child will always love you. Time spent with someone is more valuable than money spent for any age. Time is truly the greatest gift. My father may have spent 4-5 hours with me my entire life. My dad ( step father ) took me fishing, camping, father/son nights, took me …

We are all a little broken

Little broken, but that’s what life’s for. Putting our pieces back together. Broken crowns still colour the same. God chooses the broken ones to glorify the beauty and majesty of His work through them. God can achieve so much more through those who are humble than those who say in their hearts, “There is no God” or …

Live your life without stress & worries

The best recipe of life, no stress, no worries, just happiness and health. Success isn’t the key to happiness but happiness is the key to success, so be happy! Life is short. Make the best of what you have and be happy. Happiness is a state of mind. It’s within you only. You only need to …