Only the caring people make a real difference in our lives. They are the ones who stand by us and help us in life’s difficult path and of course we must understand that we have to give and take, can’t expect people to be caring if we aren’t. One day they will turn away. ~ Angela …
Even the tone of a voice can reflect upon things. One can change the world by changing him/herself. One man or woman, one word, one smile, one act of random kindness, one look can make a world of difference for someone. ~ James Young Share This :FacebookTwitterPin ItLinkedInWhatsAppBuffer
It hurts for a shorter time than being lied to and eventually finding out. ~ Paula Lundquist Don’t say promises that you cant keep and do. Just letting the other person hold on something that can’t be done and that’s totally unfair. Being true even if it will hurt the one you love is more acceptable, being …
Rejection is God’s protection. When one door closes another door opens. Negative vibes are sent off; as you attract the positive. Every adversity is a Stepping Stone to Success. Rejection is one process where in your faith and trust to God is tested. Trust God and acknowledge Him in all your ways, comes the time when you receive rejection …
I have my first and my last, 54 yrs and counting. ~ Patricia Fraide When your first and last is the same person it’s beyond heaven on earth and I have been blessed with just such an angel. ~ John Boatright I married my first love, and I loved and cherished her for almost 26 years except …
Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same. Never try to hold on to some one who doesn’t care about losing you because they simply do not feel the same as you may about them & therefore they …