Better to be alone and happy, than to be with someone and be miserable. Too many people stay for all the wrong reasons. Love yourself! If you don’t love yourself how can you love another, you can’t define yourself by who your with. Why people date or even worse marry people they aren’t completely infatuated with. …
Let the hater’s hate. It’s their ugly self manifesting to themselves. Concern yourself with love and let their hate hurt them, not you. ~ Firuze Yilmaz If they do hate someone, it’s really them hating themselves for whatever issues they might have, so the best we can do personally is just go on with our lives and …
Loneliness only educates you that your best companion is you yourself. ~ Tony John When you are alone you have one problem, but when you are with the wrong person you have 100000 problems. ~ Shadi Homayoun Falling down a ladder is so much easier than pulling yourself up to where you belongat the top, especially when you …
Don’t argue with idiots people. Sometimes silence is more powerful and precious than words. When there’s nothing more to say, there’s nothing more to say. Silence is deafening. ~ Kimmie Dawn Silence is a way of killing, but without getting your hands dirty. I would rather remain silent and thought a fool, then to speak and remove …
Love is sometimes better the 2nd time around. You are more mature and know what you want in a mate. You have to pay price to be happy, nothing comes easy. To reach happiness you have to go through things that you do not want. Sometimes at the time we think it is beautiful and then …
True love exists everywhere. Both parties need to want it and work at it. Not give up. ~ Missy Joe Couples who stay committed to each other wants to make it work. It needs patience, love, understanding & forgiveness. Without all it wouldn’t be possible to last to the golden age. ~ Linda Martial True love does exist. …