Sometimes the most important lessons in life can only be learnt through hard fall, but that’s how things sometimes must be. ~ Jocelyn Galang You will keep creating and attracting the same situations and experiences in your life that support the programs of your subconscious mind until you choose to make them conscious ( take full responsibility and …
Always remember that like electricity, without both the positive and the negative, the current of life cannot flow. ~ Mike Stevens There is no such thing as no way out! You should be in control of your own life. You do not have to tolerate anybody or anything that brings you any form of negativity. Believe in …
Especially the people you’re kind to and they just end up making you hurt. ~ Alex Leathers People come in and go out of your life for a reason, key is to learn from all of your past experiences and people who came in and now are gone, as well as those who have stayed. ~ Dan Schwartz …
Not everyone will know how to appreciate. Good energy follows from love, hope and faith. Find it and embrace it. The bad thing is when you care so much to a person then they don’t appreciate what your doing just for them. ~ Irvin Garcia Share This :FacebookTwitterPin ItLinkedInWhatsAppBuffer
Good things come to those who wait. Maybe we suppose to meet a few wrong people before we meet the right one so when we meet that person we will be grateful. Spent most of my 20’s on the wrong man, but he is part of what made me who I am today and in my …
Live a simple life and don’t care what any one think about it. Be kind, share peace and love. Sticking your nose on someone else’s business means you’ve nothing better to do with your life. People have all kinds of opinions and some of them never pay any bills, even their own. They can’t manage their …