It’s less important to have more friends

It takes a fair while to learn who your real friends are. Quality is better than quantity. It is better to have only a handful of friends of whom you can trust than to have so called friends that you can’t. ~ Rick London  Much better to have friends with substance and depth but of lesser number …

Actions always prove why words mean nothing

Actions always prove whether words mean nothing. We should let our actions fit our words.  Don’t tell me how great you are, show me. ~ David Velasquez Being told over and over that a “Promise is a Promise” but the actions are the opposite, proved this to me. ~ Ed Skinner Love is an action verb. Anyone can say …

If you have an Ugly Heart

A beautiful heart is the most important part of someone. Sometimes the ugliest hearts come in the prettiest packages. Beauty is only skin deep but goodness of the heart reach out to your soul. A pretty face is nothing if you have an ugly personality. A warm heart and loving personality is all that is needed.  …

When you will begin to heal from your past

Forgiveness means letting go of the past. ~ Leo Tolstoy Forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve Peace. Unforgiveness is the poison you drink every day hoping the other person will die. ~ Debbie Ford Something magical happens when we forgive others like healing, prosperity and a peace of God. Never forget …

The Simplest things in Life

There is no fun in perfect life. Enjoy simple things. Make a risk. Take a chance. Go where the wind takes you. Have fun. A simple “hi” means a lot. It makes me smile, completes my day & brings me lots of happiness. ~ Lilia Rosqueta  Holding hands with the one you love is the greatest feeling …