Trust never can be built again. Trust like a tear falls and never returns to your eye. ~ Sara Moustafa Someone with a big heart, can trust the person even after proven wrong in the first attempt. It’s not because he wants to be proved wrong again but it’s because his feelings for that person are true. ~ Debapriyo …
Life is one big school of hard knocks, but we never should feel bad about our past experiences those really made us who we are today. ~ Förnamn Efternamn Sometimes we trust someone for no reason at all. It’s just that we feel happy in their company or when they are with us. Heart is always pure …
Sometimes Sorry is too easy to say. It doesn’t mean anything if the action keeps happening. ~ April Hocking Forgiveness is not easy when someone doesn’t say they are sorry. Sometimes they don’t even know you are hurting. ~ Judi Casale People who don’t say they are sorry are the ones who need to be forgiven the most. …
Change your thought processes, change your life. Visualize it, then materialize it. Even when it breaks your heart, you have to put your foot down, walk away and demand some respect and if they did love you they would be willing to work it out and make that change if they really love you enough. ~ …
Sometimes it is hard for us to appreciate ourselves from inside out. We blamed ourselves for being so stupid sometime. But still remind ourselves that we had tried our best already. ~ Bianca Chung Giving a good feedback to ourselves is one way of giving inspirations to do more good to our lives. We have to learn …
We all have faults and need to deal with them before we talk about anyone else’s faults. I have plenty of faults therefore I do not judge others. Best to work on myself which I continue daily. ~ Tammy Neagle That’s funny because the people finding the fault never think they have any. They need to get …