When you will start understanding more about life?

That’s when you find out who your true friends are. Too many people choose friends & partners only by their looks & what they own. Many of them thinks age defines maturity. They define themselves by their age and materials and not with humanity and understanding. ~ Shamala Kanesen  Already working to unload the expensive “toys” that …

Worry is a total waste of time

99% of the things we worry about have already happened or never will. There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.  Worry never solves any problem. It is careful planning and your wisdom that finds any solution. Worry simply wastes time …

You alone are enough

We are enough and we will know it when we take time to know ourselves from the inside out. I’m sick and tired of trying to prove myself to everyone. If you like the way I am you don’t have to talk to me period. ~ John Weaver  The true essence of life is challenging yourself everyday …

When Relationships is strong?

Not all good friends become lovers, but all lovers must be good friends. ~ Paul Mc Closkey Being friends first makes for a longer, healthier relationship. You know what you’re in for, that way. ~ Kristen Behrens  Relationships are stronger when you grow together as friends and lovers. The passion is the strength that keeps it together. ~ Zermeno …

Why most relationships fail?

Let it hurt and let it go. Move on, be happy! Selfishness is the greatest curse to relationships. Relationship will grow and last if there is trust and respect. You must add lack of communication to this. Always talk to each other about everything. ~ Joanne Pierce  Lack of self-esteem is also a relationship curse. It causes …