There’s no need to rush over anything

Never rush something, whatever comes will always come to you at the right time. What’s meant for you, God sent it right on time. Trust God! That’s faithful thinking. Rushing usually results to imperfect and defective works. This could also apply in entering into relationships. A building standing on a substandard foundation can collapse, so is a relationship …

Sometimes people won’t understand how you feel

I do not want people to experience the pain I’ve experienced. If they don’t understand that is ok. Friends are suppose to be there, quietly supporting you even if they don’t understand. ~ Lou Christie  Often people allow themselves to dislike and/or hate others because they do not understand; then they treat those people badly, and/or behave …

No matter how good or bad your life is

His blessings and loving kindness always flow into our lives daily. Never stop! I’m very thankful to our God that I still wake up every time I asleep. ~ Unknown I appreciated to having a job, roof and love from God. That’s providing hope in anyways. ~ Lisa Chien  We all get bogged down with life, but …

Love keeps no record of wrongs

You are in a loving relationship and that you endure all things; poverty, sickness, basically your vows. ~ Brigitte Nicole Love is patient, love is kind, it isn’t jealous, it doesn’t brag, it isn’t arrogant, it isn’t rude, it doesn’t seek its own advantage, it isn’t irritable, it doesn’t keep a record of complaints, it isn’t …

Stop thinking too much

The problem is, by the time I have the answers, I forget the question. ~ Rob Marcinko It’s hard to wait for the answer especially if the matters really worries your personality. ~ Aviv Tan  Don’t lose time looking for unanswered answers. You may end up losing better opportunities for yourself. ~ Dick Hirayama  Share This :FacebookTwitterPin ItLinkedInWhatsAppBuffer