When you find both in the same person, don’t let him/her go. ~ Rachel Chieffo I got married a year ago to a man I rejected in the first place because I did not find him physically attractive at all, but after getting married I would have regretted my whole life if I sticked to that decision. …
Live everyday like it is your last. We never know when it might be. ~ Mary Keller Don’t miss the chances to be with your love one. Remember life has no rewinds. ~ Lucrecia Cuartero Sometimes choosing “never” is the healthier option even if it hurts the most. ~ Kristen Behrens That’s why grab the opportunity for it, it …
Just don’t forget to take those inexpensive, weekend, overnight, mini-vacations. Build those memories. Sometimes we’re so busy living our daily lives we forget to set aside a little bit of time for them. ~ Germaine Zurita You can make everyday a small vacation by taking some time out, even half hour to walk through a lovely park, …
Sometimes leave great sadness than those whom we have known for a long time. ~ Marmoura Alex It’s human nature! We have a relatively short attention span making us put more value on those who are impacting our lives at the present and more often than not. We tend to forget those who’ve impacted us in the …
Better to be alone than to be with somebody who makes you feel worthless. Find the right one then you feel worth and happy. Be content with yourself and be proud of your strength. If somebody else does come along, it’s ‘icing on the cake.’ Don’t be so insecure that you need someone to be proud …
If you have done everything you know to do and more, just walk away. Be brave and know your worth. No one deserves to be put in that situation ever. ~ Emily Garig Sorry is just a word, actions speak louder than any words. Show me don’t tell me, but why would you hurt the one you …