People that are intimidated by you

Why people feel intimidated by someone just being herself when there is no intention whatsoever. It looks like being yourself, happy, open, honest, etc. upset them and yet they bad mouth you around. ~ Delmis Buitrago  Some people misunderstood when we are frank and straightforward. It hurts them when we are telling the truth. People like this …

There are two types of pains

Some people get hurt but don’t change and stay in that same cycle. Others actually change either for a better life or for worse. ~ Sharon Iribe  The pain I have hurts and changes me at the same time. It will get better with time and weather. ~ Laura Myers  At this moment the pain I feel hurts …

Don’t let anyone’s negativity ruin your day

Don’t let anyone ruin your day, it’s your day, everyday, your happiness belong’s to only you. You can’t sore like an eagle when you are surrounded by turkeys. Great forgives Average argues Intelligent ignores Stay away from these negative people. They are dissatisfied of themselves or those who are jealous of you. Your happiness doesn’t depend upon …

Worry does not take away tomorrow’s troubles

Give it to God and trust him. When you do and he comes through, you’ll keep going to him and everything will be okay. ~ Cory Elliott  Don’t get stressed over something you can change. Worry creates fear and fear will cripple your mind and body. Replace fear with love and faith. Always stay away from worries …