The only thing required for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. So many times, people wanting to sound so positive are actually just postponing the inevitable and the tragedy of the outcome is coming at them like a freight train. It is better to have courage and take a firm stand …
You can’t move forward with out taking a step forward. We fight the constant decision of whether to let go or hold on. The back & forth only beats you up inside. ~ Shauna Coleman In order for things to progress in the right direction there has to be change. What doesn’t kill you make …
Tomorrow never comes. Live life positively today if you can. Also pray for your health. Miracle can always happen! Leave the past start today and face for a better tomorrow. You should always give important to the chance given to you because chance is only given once. Share This :FacebookTwitterPin ItLinkedInWhatsAppBuffer
Everything is a miracle! Miracle comes to those who believes! Share This :FacebookTwitterPin ItLinkedInWhatsAppBuffer
It shouldn’t matter what others think or see, as long as you are doing what comes natural the most important ones that matter is God. ~ Farah Brown There is one thing, never let anyone change who you are. That is your unique personal identity. The person should always support you on who you are and …
If you’re happy and kind, you win no matter what! You can’t change anything about another person. You can make a suggestion that they may or may not care about. If your suggestion is not working it become your choice to ignore it and accept the situation or stop wasting your time if you can’t …