It is one of faith, hope, positive thoughts in yourself and what you can achieve. It’s about placing yourself in situations that allow you to succeed. And, once you have arrived there thanking yourself for what YOU have done. Because when all is said and done? The only one you have to blame for your successes …
I learned that forgiveness is more than just saying “I forgive you.” When I thought I had forgiven, I was still clinging to the past hurts without realizing it. My focus was still on the “should haves” and I was still angry that my past should have been different. Forgiveness is pure acceptance of the past, …
I’m learning this too, even when they are biological family. ~ Linda Radtke This is so worth it. Unless you have the energy and mind set to deal with it, just don’t. You don’t need to involve your self with negative people and poor behaviour. It only makes you behave the same way. Only you can …
God is good! I truly deserve nothing but He has given me so much. ~ Marie Pitts God is God. He alone knows how he wants things to turn out, God our father knows us so well, just like a parent knows what their kids are about. We need to call home and talk to Pop, …
Life is shorter than you think. Live life to the fullest! People miss opportunities because they care more about their career (money) than they do the people around them. ~ Matthew Ditolla Share This :FacebookTwitterPin ItLinkedInWhatsAppBuffer
It’s an unfortunate way to have to learn who really cares, because that can be more painful than the storm itself. Know one is exempt from life’s storms, people need to think about what they needed/wanted from someone that cares when they were going through one of life’s storms. ~ Julie Wellisley You know who your …