Especially when the actions don’t speak it. There’s nothing more naked than someone’s behavior. Even if one believes their actions demonstrate love, it doesn’t mean the other party is reading it that way (and no, money is not love). ~ Todd Egan You have to learn to accept that the stars don’t always line up the way …
Some people are only in your life for a ‘season’ — not meant for the entire journey! I have no issue shutting a door & locking it on those who do nothing but bring drama, dishonesty & negative energy to my life. I’m very much a lone wolf, with the exception of my close family, …
The problem is too many people choose to love for every reason “but” honesty and they try to destroy people who are honest with them. Overlooking dishonesty for security, materialistic things, and other reasons. Loving forever comes when you are honest with yourself first. ~ Mike Sorrells Relationships have become too much about convenience and people …
If someone isn’t good enough for you, don’t keep them around and try to change them into someone else. No one can make you feel less of a person unless you allow it. It is called abuse! Nobody can make you feel a certain way. How one feels is entirely up to them! Share This …
I am trying to love myself, with all my faults, but if so called ‘friends’ cannot see the good in me as well as any faults, is their love worth pursuing? Bullying comes in many guises and can hurt to the core. Emotional bullying hurts just as much as physical abuse. ~ Susan Bretherick It all …
It is not about changing the other person. If you are truly in love, you will change without even knowing. You become less selfish, the other person’s happiness becomes your priority. Things that you may not have wanted to do before, you will find enjoyment in because of how your SO enjoys it. Unconditional true love …