You may have all the money in the work but if your health is bad it does not matter! Share This :FacebookTwitterPin ItLinkedInWhatsAppBuffer
Your thoughts affect your life. Attitude is more important than we think. Every morning gets my day going in the right direction and of course a prayer. Just 15 minutes helps! ~ Lillian Demo One has to be a little crazy to ignore negative emotions thoughts and decisions. To keep a positive life moving toward continually achieving …
Every situation is different but it is better to make peace rather than war, especially when it comes to family. Learning to respect one another’s differences is key. So you should put past grievances behind and start anew for sometimes what we think things are turn out to be far from reality especially when we don’t …
There is no time for regrets in life! Wasted time is wasted time! We only need to do something once in life to have had a wonderful experience. ~ Debbie Baker Share This :FacebookTwitterPin ItLinkedInWhatsAppBuffer
No matter what they say about you, you need to please yourself not anybody else. Share This :FacebookTwitterPin ItLinkedInWhatsAppBuffer
Sometimes there is no perfect time, life is too short, so never let yourself wonder what could have been, be sure in heart and mind and just do it! ~ Vanessa Lucewicz Always make your heart happy. Tomorrow is never promised! If you have a dream a goal go for it because you have to try or …