People who say behind your back

Let them talk behind your back. they are behind you for a reason. People who talks behind your back are full of insecurities that they can’t withstand what’s with you that they don’t have, although in a way you become popular by their talk. Anyway it’s their problem not yours. Just be yourself! ~ Ciel Garfield  People …

No matter how hard things were

Tomorrow is always going to be a great day. Keep your head up, stay strong. The prize that awaits for us is greater so we have to be prepared, this is only a temporary block in our road. ~ La Vita Blackmer We should bring lot of positive thoughts in you and we should give away all …

Respect those who talk to you in their free time

Those people are hard to find and harder to lose. Those that make time for you convey that you matter to them and value you. When they don’t, it speaks volumes. ~ Barbara Butler  Cherish them because not many take time out of their busy lives to talk to you. Share This :FacebookTwitterPin ItLinkedInWhatsAppBuffer