Maturity is learning to forgive. Lend a helping hand & also try to understand peoples’ need. It also comes when we accept responsibility for our action. stop blaming others for the outcome in our lives and make the necessary changes to fix things. ~ Dorothy Beek Maturity comes when you stop listening to ignorant people and make …
No one can make someone love them, either they do or they don’t, “Love doesn’t hurt but loving the wrong person does.” Why waste your time and energy on someone whom you think needs the kind of love you have to offer or that they may be your soul mate.” If it’s not returned its not …
Acceptance of what is and being grateful with it! In life we are given many challenges but trust in God and all will be ok. One nation in particular where we spend a few months are some of the poorest in this world materially but the kindest, most caring, most generous and most happy people I have ever …
Good friends don’t just stick together during worse time, they enjoy best times together. A true friend is had to find. Anyone that sticks to you in time of trouble do not hesitate to welcome he/she in your arms. ~ Rex Anyaoha Share This :FacebookTwitterPin ItLinkedInWhatsAppBuffer
Your heart beats for someone special, then you got it all. It would be great if you have friends like a family and a family like friends. Being grateful for what you have helps make you content. We should appreciate everything in our lives! When you have hands and you can work by hands can take foods …
It’s for a good reason. Better things will come to your life, so don’t worry about it just let it go. God did close the door for me and I thank him. He showed me my ex-best friend true colors and our friendship ended last year and I still get thoughts in my head. It was a …