Let go and live in the moment

Live in the moment always. Sometimes when you have strong desire for something/ someone and you know it’s not possible to achieve you must let it go. Life becomes much easy and happier. I have known people who are such control freaks, you just cringe to be around them. Sorry but you make me uncomfortable, so …

Not everyone has the same heart as you

The success of a relationship is a function of the extent to which it meets the needs of the two people. ~ Dr Phil If a relationship or friendship is a one way street, (one person gives and the other takes) it will eventually turns into a dead end. Expectations are the root of all heartache. …

If you don’t follow your heart you don’t take risks

Brain and heart has opposites in them. The brain has no HEART and the heart has no BRAIN, but they go hand in hand. UNBREAKABLE AND UNSEPARABLE. However, the Brain is superior from the Heart thus, we must think first before following our HEART so that one day soon WE WILL NOT END UP with a …

Life’s not meant to be lived in one place

If you really want to travel you can prepare for it. Even not out of the country. What important is you explore what really life is. Life is just short, traveling is relaxing and enjoying life. Whenever we are if it’s our destiny to die, it will. Don’t be afraid to travel. ~ Ta Dales  If you don’t …