We all need to be loved, and it is great to know how much he does love us,, he will never let us down. ~ Mary Willette To all people who are suffering to much pain, just live it to him. Trust and pray to him, then God will make away. ~ Joemar Norona Dear Lord, give me …
Sometimes it’s better to be hurt by the truth then to be lied to. ~ Yvette Damhuis Folks are in such a hurry now. They don’t seem to have the time to think before speaking or waiting for an answer. ~ Liz Carden When one is considering your day to day interaction with people. Not lashing out, not …
Angels are all around us. Such a blessing and a comfort to know so many friends are angels without wings here on earth. We all live with an angel beside us, and its he that we move on in life, but if we abandon him we are lost in existing. ~ Sandra Said I wake up look …
To all us raising young men, single ladies if you complain you can’t find a good Man, remember it’s also our jobs to raise one. ~ Addie Kitchell Don’t worry about finding one. Just worry about what makes her happy. If you can’t do that, you’ll never be happy. ~ Jammin Miller Share This :FacebookTwitterPin ItLinkedInWhatsAppBuffer
When we feel like escaping from our lives, the stress, the overwhelming day to day stuff, or the “what’s missing” and you feel “I need a vacation” to search out or let out. Some people feel like that all the time. Some people just might relate to that. Fill your life with things that you love …
Happiness does come from being content with what you have. When we look at with other people have and envy them for what they have, we have created an internal strife that can destroy our happiness and our lives. ~ Glen Conley I don’t really possess anything, not even my body and therefore I’m really happy with …