The best relationship I could of had. I didn’t want to chance losing our friendship then he died at a young age. I always have regretted not taking that chance. He was the best friend I will ever had. He died young and I know I meant everything to him and I’m so sorry I didn’t …
Beautiful valuable treasures indeed surpassing all the golds, diamonds etc. ~ Lilian Maina We all can learn from the innocent, innate, and natural love and compassion of children, unblemish by the world. ~ Sergio Vega We can create a better future by changing how we are and how we react to things today. ~ Nancy Vail Share This :FacebookTwitterPin …
Try not to get worried, try not to turn onto problems that upset you, don’t you know, everything going to be all right, and I want you to sleep sound tonight. You are strong, and smart, and kind, and caring, And you know what? Things are going to be ok, because you believe it, in the …
No matter how angry you can be at the one you love, truly love, then don’t sacrifice the entire relationship over something that can potentially be solved, starting with a Hug. ~ Kristin Jewel Remember when you were a kid and fighting with your sibling and your mom made you hug to make up even though you …
If you don’t love yourself, you depend on others to love you so you feel ok, which makes for co-dependency. The fact is, none can love you like you can. ~ Naomi Collins Take care of yourself first so you can then take care of others. ~ Rosa García God said love others like you love yourself, to …
In some cases you have to walk away maybe for your own self respect or dignity. Leave your past and be ready for your future. Share This :FacebookTwitterPin ItLinkedInWhatsAppBuffer