Take what you need

These are things we all need and sometimes just talking to someone we don’t know can re-energize the ones that are lacking. What a wonderful way to be able to help someone figure out something they can’t. Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone on the other side of that line, not judging, not charging, not …

I consider love to be more than just a word

We have to feel love, not anything else, because love help us to open our heart and mind and live more profoundly, in harmony and unity with the universe. ~ Cristian Surugiu If you couldn’t find happiness in your partner then love is not. Find your way out. Somebody once said, it’s better to live in …

Always stay true to yourself

For us to be happy we must start from ourselves. For the world to be a better place for us we must start being truthful. ~ Carina Flores The Divinity in you is true, so stay true to your divinity. The ego isn’t you. ~ Martina Torremans How about stay true to yourself, and then you will attract …

Be proud of your son

I am so blessed because my son loves to hold my hand especially during the times he could not sleep at night, because my touch and massage for him makes him relax and sleep well. ~ Grace Salinel My son is the reason for my everything I live for in life. Never believed in love at first …