You can’t see pain. You can only feel it yourself or associate with it when you see someone in pain. But it’s true, you can’t see it even then, because it’s not yours,its theirs. ~ Gerasimos Loukatos Most of the time we can not see others pain. Even if they tell we don’t understand till we go …
We all make our own path on this journey through life via the very choices we make at any point in time, whether those choices are good or bad is easier in hindsight than knowing at any specific moment. Learning and wisdom gained from past mistakes hopefully will prevent us making the same mistakes again, or …
The most important thing is to overcome the darkness in us and get to the love. ~ Nancy Vail You can only take care of others if you take care of you first. It’s not selfish, it is necessary. ~ Tina Marie You gotta be real to yourself. It’s your life, no one else. ~ Lisaglenn Smith Sometimes you …
I do enjoy all those things with you. To see you happy warms my heart. ~ Sandy Sanders Everybody loves to be loved. ~ Madeline Sasser If you have that person in your life, you should be lucky and contented with your life. Also find someone to share you’re ups and downs with. Stick with it …
Sometimes you always loose your self-control, thus that’s the time close persons to you enter to give their perspective. But at the end of the line you, yourself is the leader. Just be careful on your choices. ~ Linda Rosa Laugh when you can, apologize when you should and let go of what you can’t change. …
We all need a little special attention at times. ~ Lee Schlesinger People need love the most when they are the most unlovable. ~ Susan Zugg One of the hardest times to love someone is when you don’t think a person deserves it. But knowing someone loves you when you feel like that may help them …