It may not be easy but well worth the effort because the people, person or thing that has hurt you is probably no affected in any way and living their life with no thought of you or the fact that they have caused this hurt to you. They will / would probably say they didn’t hurt you. So decide to stop letting this /these things or people hold such power in your life. My father molested me, I hated him, didn’t have contact with him for over 25 years and I was put in a place where I had to help care for him. I was able to forgive him & I told him so.
He said he didn’t do anything to me. Forgiveness and let go of the hurt, pain and anger isn’t for the people who caused the pain it is for us. Those who carry the weight of the hurt & anger. When we let go we are set free from the prison of their action that we had the key to the door all along.
I didn’t have the strength to do this ( forgive him ) in my own strength. God gave me the strength and and the courage to let these things go. I wanted to be free of him ( my father ) having so much power in my life, my heart and my mind. Step out, decide to let these things go. Don’t think of it as easy or hard, but rather that you deserve to have that peace in your life.
By Gale Baker