Sometimes the immature person forget there is a storm where the umbrella needs to be shared.
When poverty comes in the door, love goes out the window. ~ Patrick Quinn
Going through the good, the bad, and sometimes the real ugly, only shows how strong, a husband and wife can be. ~ Kay Vanderwall
Relationship is partnership, if a couple cannot have a trusting partnership, then the relationship is headed for the rocks. ~ Daniel Brown
I’ve been with my husband for 27 years and married for 25 years. It can work, you just have to respect each other, and always find the good in the other person. At the end of the day, well he’s my best friend come rain or shine. ~ Annette Olson
I would rather steal the umbrella, jump in a puddle just to splash you, then grab you firmly and kiss you before you can yell at me. ~ Ernest Wiker