Never ignore a person who misses you

Never ignore a person who misses you

People who ignore those who (truly and unselfishly) care for them eventually get what they deserve. One way or another we are to learn how to be a better person. If we don’t learn while the caring people are in our lives, we’ll be shown eventually. ~  Kim Smithers 

Never go to bed with an argument, say I LOVE YOU and I am sorry even if it was not your fault because you might never be able to say it to that person again, no one knows what the next second will bring. ~ Geraldine Jackson 

They never wake up and say ‘oh my gosh I treated you badly let me make it up to you.’ They keep taking us for granted and using us and whatever we do, it’s never enough. Sometimes we are better off without them. Let them follow the stars out of our orbit. ~ Laurie Quick 

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