Category: Move on
Keep smiling and forget about the rumors and drama. Not worth wasting your energy on it. No one can humiliate or hurt you without your permission. Just smile and walk away. It will drive them crazy trying to figure out what you are up to. ~ Warren Cooley Smile and it makes them mad. Why not if …
Every morning is a new beginning so I try to make it better than yesterday. Present is a fresh gift. So why we are going to ruin it with yesterday’s memories? Once we practice, it will become a habit. It’s like your “bank account” has been filled again for a new start. Each day again and …
If you want to succeed in your life, remember this phrase. The past does not equal the future. Because you failed yesterday; or all day today, or a moment ago, or for the last six months; the last years or the last fifty years life doesn’t mean anything… all that matters is what are you going …
Human selfish tendency, blame something or someone is easier than admitting that is a product of consequences from choices made. Do not make excuses or rationalize just forgive and let go, easy to say but hard to do I admit. ~ Norma Powell I’m so grateful that I learned long ago to take responsibility for my …
Some days you may feel like giving up, but keep on going. This time of the year many people feel the pressures of the holidays, loss of a loved one (no matter how long it’s been), or just the fast paced life we all live, and still think our homes should look like the Hallmark pictures …
When life throws painful stuff our way, we grow from it and get stronger. The pain is still there but we learn to manage it. It also gives us an insight into how others feel so we can empathise with them and give support. ~ Angela Cox We can get over anything in this life. In …