Category: Move on

There’s no reason to look back at your past

If you want to move forward you can’t have a rear view mirror in your life.    There’s no point in wishing the past was different, when you got so much going for you now. Keep moving forward, especially if the past isn’t good. Don’t torture yourself looking back. ~ Yan Min   Let go of the past …

The last chapter of our life

Always think positive and don’t worry too much. Smile and enjoy life to the fullest!   Each morning as we’ve been granted the opportunity to open our eyes and exhale the breathe that keeps us alive; should give us plenty of reason to keep looking forward, with no hesitation in the sharing our love with those …

If you can’t do anything about it

Focus and it can happen be positive.   As soon as you accept this, you will be free to follow your own way. Otherwise, the risk is that your life will be a complete waste of time, energy and goodness.   Turn it over to God when the burden gets too heavy. Once that weight is …

To respond with anger to someone

How about you just do what you think is right and to Hell with what anyone else thinks. ~ Jana Olson-Bish    Easy to say, but difficult to put into practice, it requires great discipline and the adoption of “Love your neighbor as yourself”. Some neighbours are just harder to love than others, but the willingness to …

When all of our strength seems gone

It is a matter of hope, faith and courage to continue our journey that there’s still life awaits us.   Our Lord is carrying your burden right now. Gain strength, have faith. The community loves you and willing to walk with you. This, too, will pass but you need to do your part. May the light …