Category: Move on
There is nothing you can change about the past. The future is uncertain but you can live in the now and be happy. It’s only on your mind, stop thinking about it, if it cross your mind, do some distraction, talk to your friends, have fun, throw away things that remind of your unpleasant past experiences. …
Every situation is different but it is better to make peace rather than war, especially when it comes to family. Learning to respect one another’s differences is key. So you should put past grievances behind and start anew for sometimes what we think things are turn out to be far from reality especially when we don’t …
Sometimes there’s no tears but I knew deep inside I burst. Time heals together with patience. Space and time much needed to reflect. ~ Peach Mori Sometimes you have to accept that it’s ok to rest and be weak at times because you have strive enough on being strong. Let the pain fall from your eyes, eventually …
You can’t always count on others to respect your feelings… You can’t change others, only yourself. Being good is not always a guarantee. What you expect in return as you can only have control over yourself and not on them, but don’t let your self-respect and goodness be taken away by those that try to destroy …
Look at every area of your life… A reminder to stop, take a step back, and being honest with yourself! I love my life and myself and everything around me. I let things go to find peace within myself and life and pray each day. ~ Kathy Kumm If you desire further simple wisdom to help …
Change is never easy. I am on a routine every single day and if something changes I am not a happy girl. You have to hold on and fight everyday regardless of the situation but when having to let go it’s very hard but I just say to myself I have to hope and believe that …