Category: Move on
SMALL Minds discuss PEOPLE, AVERAGE Minds discuss Events, GREAT Minds discuss IDEAS, so those who spread rumours are having small minds, then YOU & ME are in a better position or higher if not in the highest level because we are discussing IDEAS and BRAINSTORMING for PROGRESS and SUCCESS, then who is much more BLESSED? ~ Grace …
Don’t wait for the perfect moment to make a change, pursue a dream or goal. If you want it, go for it. If you keep bargaining with yourself and say, ” I’ll start next year.” or ” When the kids move out.” It may never happen. If you want something, you should act now. Your future …
Always surround yourself with positive people. Sometimes it is hard to turn loose of some friends, but yet in your heart and best interest you know it is the right thing to do. Strive to maintain the “I CAN, I CARE , ATTITUDE AND BE “THE BEST OF THE BEST”. ~ Steve Lori Let go of all …
Let go, Let God, Relax, breath, give yourself a chance to heal. You have weeks to deal with this and if you screw up the recovery the rest of your life will be effected. ~ Max Cooperford
Make peace with yourself first, then the rest will follow! Sometimes it feels as though all you can do is have faith. ~ Rachel Robinson
Your happiness comes first and should matter the most ! Live your life the very best you know how ! An environment of negativity stifles personal growth as you adjust to another’s inability to have vision or purpose or simple acts of kindness displayed. ~ Karen Street